Implementation of the KassenSichV: Problems with fiscalization

The introduction phase of the German Cash Register Security Ordinance (KassenSichV), the Technical Security Device (TSE) and the Digital Treasury Interface for Cash Register Systems (DSFinV-K) has been completed. The majority of cash register transactions relevant to sales tax are provided with TSE signatures in accordance with the regulations. However, the issue is not over - there are practical problems with implementation. How do cash register inspections and external audits work? We are already since 2017...

KassenSichV mastered: Over 20 million receipts archived in an audit-proof manner

The first trading companies have already had their receipt data verified by the tax office using AmadeusVerify. For our SAP® customers, this is no reason to worry, because with Receipt4S® we ensure that data can be retrieved quickly and completely. We archive over 20 million receipts daily - audit-proof and traceable, including TSE signature and DSFinV-K files. Why do you need an additional...

The fastest cash audit ever

After two years of pandemic, they seem like greetings from another life: The complaints about the receipt requirement. It's hard to believe that the "receipt to the moon" 2020 initially seemed to become the biggest excitement of the year. But then everything changed. Suddenly, receipt queues were massively shortened, and not because of a change...

Survey on TSE integration: this is how far German retailers have come

A recent survey by the Deutscher Fachverband für Kassen- und Abrechnungssystemtechnik im bargeld- und bargeldlosen Zahlungsverkehr e.V. (DFKA - German Association for Cash and Cashless Payment Systems) examined the conversion rate to a technical security equipment (TSE). What has been true for a long time is catching on. This is shown by the results of the DFKA's fifth survey among its members (which also includes us as CSK...