August 26, 2019

Unique add-on for cash register data archiving certified by SAP®.

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With Receipt4S®, retail companies are on the audit-proof side when it comes to meeting the requirements of the GoBD and the German Cash Register Security Ordinance (KassenSichV). This makes it all the more gratifying that the AddOn has now been officially certified by SAP® and can be integrated as standard into SAP® ERP, S/4 and CAR systems. The innovative solution was able to withstand the detailed testing by experts and meets all information technology as well as business requirements of the SAP® community.

The customer confidence that goes hand in hand with this seal of quality will become even more important in the area of checkout systems in the future: As of January 1, 2020, according to the German Cash Register Security Ordinance (KassenSichV), electronic receipt output and a certified, three-part technical security device (TSE) are mandatory! POS data and cash register reports are to be provided with identifier to the day and totals. On request, Z1, Z2 and Z3 accesses must be made possible per store.

With the SAP® on-board solution Receipt4S®, retail companies are on the safe side and can archive POS data in a fully automated, audit-proof and audit-compliant manner. The SAP® integration additionally enables progressive and retrograde auditing from the cash register to financial accounting. On request, Consult-SK GmbH (CSK) supports customers in the creation of procedural documentation. The certification of Receipt4S® now closes a legally significant gap with regard to data archiving, which is not covered by the SAP® standard in this way.

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