May 27, 2020

Webcast: Cash register data archiving can be so simple

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In four months' time, the Cash Register Security Ordinance - KassenSichV for short - will come into force. Has your POS software already been converted? Does your IT system meet all the requirements of the KassenSichV and the DSFinV-K standard? What is the status of the required technical security equipment?


If you're not even sure about that, we invite you to our webcast "Staying on the audit-proof side - cash register data archiving in SAP®"! At June 10, 2020 from 10 to 11 a.m. our managing director Stephan Kaup explains to you what our SAP-certified Receipt4S® add-on can do. Using case studies, we will show you in a nutshell what is important when archiving and managing all relevant POS data. And why we only need a few weeks from project start to go-live.

Of course, there will be enough time afterwards to ask questions :).


Here it goes to the Registration!


If you would like to inform yourself in advance, please feel free to browse through our free whitepaper "Fiscalization in Germany - Basic knowledge on KassenSichV, DSFinV-K and TSE".