19 October 2023

EHI Technology Days 2023: Win a voucher to rent a mobile barrel sauna!

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From November 7 to 8, 2023, the EHI Technology Days will once again take place at the World Conference Center Bonn. Together with our partners of the RetailOneSolution Network on site and heat you up with our raffle!

Because we like to take our beautifully shaped solid wood exhibition cube with us to joint events and it was actually often referred to as a sauna! We thought: The idea is not so bad and have us to the preliminary discussion on the EHI Technology Days met without further ado for a joint sauna with hokona GmbH and CAS AG: 

Our participation in the EHI Technology Days

Digitalization is advancing and changing the landscape of retail. To stay at the forefront of this revolution, it is essential to continuously educate and network. The EHI Technology Days provide a platform for retail industry professionals to discuss the latest technological advances, share best practices and explore future trends. As an active participant, we look forward to expanding our knowledge, showcasing our products and services, and forging valuable partnerships.

Our expertise in the area of POS software, unified commerce and audit-proof POS data archiving (KassenSichV ready!) combined with the insights we gain from the EHI Technology Days enables us to develop customized solutions for our customers. Visit us to find out more about our innovative solutions and how we can help you achieve your business goals.


Win a 500€ voucher for the rental of a mobile barrel sauna

To sweeten the "visit" at our booth a little bit, we organize from October 19, 2023 to November 7, 2023 a competition with which our visitors can also enjoy the relaxing sauna feeling! You can win a 500€ voucher from a mobile sauna rental company in your area.

More information about the competition and the entry form can be found at HERE.