The Technical Safety Equipment (TSE) is integrated, but new problems have arisen due to the mass data?
You currently have no way of checking yourself whether your cash audit-relevant data is complete and has a correct signature?
THEN YOU ARE EXACTLY RIGHT IN OUR WEBINAR | June 2, 2022 | 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
In an expert:inside round we clarify and answer urgent questions on the topics:
- Review and completeness check of Cash register data in mass business (in SAP®)
- Integrity of data during checks (supplementary to the POS software (in SAP®)
- Interplay between GoBD and fiscalization requirements
- What are the sources of data for the audit?
- Occasions for cash register inspections
- Cash register 2022, how does it work?
- What is an auditor allowed to do, what not?
- What must be documented?
- What voluntary records are useful?
- What must be on the receipt?
- Obligation to keep individual records
For this webinar, the Consult-SK Ltd. and Amadeus360 to provide you with the most up-to-date information on this complex topic. While the Consult-SK is providing the well-known German retail trade with information about SAP® & dealing with the KassenSichV advises, Amadeus360 (Gastro-MIS) has developed the tool AmdeusVerify developed, which the financial authorities use to KassenSichV conformity of your data. The view of the tax authorities, including first-hand practical knowledge, is provided by Tobias Teutemacher, graduate in finance and tax investigator in NRW, here in a non-official capacity.
Take this opportunity to get rid of the last question marks over your head and "squeeze" our speakers! If you like, feel free to submit your questions for the webcast in advance: [email protected].
You can look forward to the following experts:
Stephan Kaup, Founder and Managing Partner, Consult-SK GmbH
Dr. Mirco Till, Managing Director, Gastro-MIS GmbH
Stefanie Boeck (formerly Milcke), Managing Director/CMO Gastro-MIS GmbH
Tobias Teutemacher, Dipl.-Finanzwirt and tax investigator in NRW