March 9, 2021

Online event on April 15, 2021: KassenSichV-compliant with Receipt4S®.

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The deadline is the end of March 2021. Retailers must have equipped their cash registers with a TSE to ensure POS data management that complies with KassenSichV. In reality, however, this has not yet happened in many places. But don't worry: In our online event, you will learn how to stay on the audit-proof side with our SAP AddOn Receipt4S®.


Our SAP solution Receipt4S® is successfully used by our customers from the retail sector (e.g. Ernstings Family, Tegut,...) and by waste disposal companies. The AddOn is the central entry point to manage, audit and ensure the completeness of all relevant data around the checkout process. In the case of SAP-internal transactions (SD cash/immediate sales processes and cash book) Receipt4S® has the legally required Technical Security Equipment (TSE) on board.

The extensive catalog of functions includes the transfer and management of audit-relevant cash register data, the problem-free integration of your inventory cash registers, an automated completeness check, tools for progressive and retrograde auditing, and much more. Current highlight: You can also use Receip4S® mobile on the web via the Fiori Launchpad retrieve.


Why it's worth participating in our online event:

In our webinar, we answer the following questions that should be on every retailer's mind:

  1. What is the legal basis for the new cash management regulations?
  2. What data do you have to provide to the tax office and in what form?
  3. At what point does the Technical Safety Equipment (TSE) come into play and what should you definitely know about it?
  4. How can you conveniently ensure Z1, Z2 and Z3 access to the relevant data?
  5. What can our SAP AddOn Receipt4S® as a central entry point for you?

All interested decision-makers from retail and waste management companies are cordially invited to participate in our upcoming webinar on April 15, 2021 (10 to 11 a.m.). Stephan Kaup, Managing Director of Consult-SK GmbH, will welcome you as speaker. Within one hour, you will learn how you as an SAP user can ideally implement the KassenSichV and related guidelines. We look forward to meeting you online!

Right now HERE register for free!

If you have any questions in advance, please feel free to contact us at any time: [email protected] (+49 571 783435 10).