April 18, 2024

WEBINAR | Knock, knock! Who's there? The tax office and it wants to see your cash register data!

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Have you already run an audit simulation to make sure your fiscalization is running correctly? If not - and you're not alone - this webinar is just the thing! 

This is because the tax authorities' auditors are now familiar with the new Testing software and are increasingly carrying out audits. These begin with a cash register inspection, which may also take place unannounced! If it is already apparent here that the archiving and provision of data is not in accordance with KassenSichV/DSFinV-K is possible, retailers quickly find themselves in need of explanations. It is therefore important to know whether the data from the cash registers and fiscalization providers would stand up to scrutiny

  • Can I provide all the receipts included in the tax return?
  • Do I have all the data from the fiscalization solutions for the receipts?
  • Is the DSFinV-K file readable and does it contain everything correctly?

If you only ask yourself these questions during an exam, it is almost always too late!

In our webcast on May 14, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. we briefly and succinctly show which requirements exist, how to set up an ICS for this and what else you need to pay attention to. We also give a brief outlook on how this can be solved under SAP(C).

Certified tax consultant, author and speaker on the topics of cash management, criminal tax law and tax audits - Tobias Teutemacher explains in this webinar together with Stephan Kaup (Managing Partner of Consult-SK GmbH) as Cash register data must be archived and processed in order to be on the audit-proof side in the event of an audit by the tax authorities.