Online event on May 6, 2021: Store Management 3.0

Secure your place in our free webcast of the RetailOneSolution Network to have your individual store processes clearly and conveniently in view at any time via tablet or smartphone. How ONE integrated, SAP-based solution for sales processes, merchandise and document flows, as well as audit and legally compliant storage of POS data, enables efficient and integrated control via SAP Fiori....

TSE in administration: Receipt4S® Lite for SAP systems

From April, retailers must have upgraded their POS systems with a technical security device (TSE). However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that other areas are also covered by the KassenSichV. For example, in the case of waste disposal companies and public administrations. The KassenSichV protects against manipulation of POS data. This is a worthwhile goal, but its practical implementation still causes a lot of headaches here and there. The integration...

RetailOneSolution - The SAP partner network for the retail industry

Three SAP partners, one all-in-one solution for retailers - with the RetailOneSolution Network, nothing stands in the way of store management 3.0. Sales and merchandise management processes can be controlled completely integrated from one SAP Fiori Launchpad with the combination of the three SAP partner solutions. Retail companies face a wide range of challenges in the area of digitization. All sales channels need to be networked, complex payment processes...

Point-of-sale systems: cloud application receives BSI certificate

D-TRUST and Deutsche Fiskal have received certification for their cloud application. The German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) thus confirms: Fiskal Cloud is suitable for implementing the German Cash Register Security Ordinance (KassenSichV). To prevent tax fraud, retailers must ensure that their cash register systems are tamper-proof. The KassenSichV and the associated technical guidelines clearly...